Leslie and Shirlie Spence

Matthew's Family

Matthew with his family

Our son Matthew is the most important person in our lives. He began getting services with the Center for Disability Services at age 15.

As he aged up, we wanted him to have the consistency that residential life would afford him. We were fortunate, and he was able to move into one of the Center's residences at age 19 and has flourished during the time he has lived there with a true quality of life.

We not only want Matthew to be happy in his day-to-day life now, but we also need to ensure that he will remain happy and safe after we are gone. Although these thoughts are scary, we firmly believe in this truth.

All the care and services that have allowed Matthew to flourish must remain for the future of the Center for Disability Services. The Center's lifetime financial health is the most important priority to our family.

The Center has made a lifetime commitment to caring for my son and many others that they serve, which I have witnessed over my 17 years as an employee of the Center. My spouse has also worked for the Center for the past year, and we believe that it is so important to give back to the Center in return for taking care of our child.

That is why I have included a Supplemental Needs Trust as a beneficiary in my will to benefit Matthew during his lifetime, with the remainder upon Matthew's death to benefit the Center. It is our belief that this will ensure that Matthew and all those who find quality of life through this outstanding organization will continue to do so long after I and my family are gone.

One of my biggest hopes is that many other individuals will do the same thing and give what they can, by doing what they can, to keep the Center running forever.

Do Your Part

You can give a gift that ensures that Matthew and other Center residents like him will continue to flourish and benefit from the Center's services and programs for years to come. Contact Kim Heunemann at heunemann@cfdsny.org or 518-832-6113 to learn more.